Aquí compartiré los trabajos solicitados por la docente de la Asigntura de Lenguas extranjeras del "Instituto de Profesores Artigas" de 4º Año Asignatura Derecho.-

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Comentario acerca de la Teoría de Ausubel

In my opinion Ausbel’s theory creates approaching between explanatory teaching and teaching by discovery, because both can favor a participatory attitude of the student, if it realizes as a first step the search in previous knowledge of them and thus motivate the significant assimilation.
In addition to this, it provides an important functions, the technic of conceptual maps, developed by Novak, that is useful to be able to analyze the relationship that students make between the concepts, and also can be used as previous organizers that looks for to stimulate the student´s participation.

Comentario acerca del video

In my opinion it is a good critical material about education and make us think as a teacher, parents and students of how should it work and what funtion should  provide.

Tarea Domiciliaria

Answer the questions
a) What should students do to learn meaningfully?
b) What is an advanced organizer?
c) What is a concept map?

A) Non-arbitrary, non-verbatim, substantive incorporation of new knowledge into cognitive structure. Deliberate effort to link new knowledge with higher order concepts in cognitive structure. Learning not related to experience with events or objects. No affective commitment to relate new knowledge to prior learning.
B) The advance organizer is designed to provide, what cognitive psychologists call, the “mental scaffolding: to learn new information”. Two types of advanced organizers are verbal phrases and graphics
C) A cognitive map is a “kind of visual road map showing some of the pathways we may take to connect meanings of concepts”. They should be hierarchical; the more general, more inclusive concepts should be at the top of the map, and the more specific, less inclusive concepts at the bottom of the map

Read the text and find
A) The opposite of old: new
B) The purpose of mental scaffolding: to learn new information
C) Two types of advanced organizers: verbal phrases and graphics
D) A profession: student-teachers

Match the verbs with their meanings
A)Clarify                                                        1)To elaborate, create
B)Present                                                      2)To make connections
C)Make                                                         3)To contribute
D)Relate                                                        4) To introduce
E)Promote                                                     5)To make easier


martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Nowadays, rote learning is taking place at schools

In my opinion it’s not true at all. In my experience with the private college’s children I could observe that the students used the rote learning to study, what means that if someone makes them do some exercise to apply their knowledge or if they forget some word, it gets difficult to reorganize their ideas to express the concept they are working.
I teach in a public college, and what I’ve mentioned doesn’t happen: the students barely read, and study less, so that makes them to reason out more and remember concepts taught in class.