Aquí compartiré los trabajos solicitados por la docente de la Asigntura de Lenguas extranjeras del "Instituto de Profesores Artigas" de 4º Año Asignatura Derecho.-

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011


25 November 2010: International Day for the Elimination of
Violence against Women
The 11th International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was marked by a series of high-level statements and events at UNHQ and around the world.
• In his message for the International Day, Secretary-General, Ban Kimoon,stated:
“This year’s observance highlights the role the business community can play – from developing projects to providing direct financial support to organizations working to end violence and embracing the principles of corporate social responsibility …The word is spreading: violence against women and girls has no place in any society, and impunity for
perpetrators must no longer be tolerated. On this International Day, I urge all – Governments, civil society, the corporate sector, individuals – to take responsibility for eradicating violence against women and girls.“
UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, 25 November 2010.
• UN Women Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet, delivered a message for the International Day, affirming:
“Stopping violations of women’s human rights is a moral imperative
… Joining in the efforts to stop violence is everybody’s responsibility.
Governments, private enterprises, civil society groups, communities and individual citizens can all make essential contributions. Men and boys must be active in encouraging respect for women and zero tolerance for violence. Cultural and religious leaders can send clear messages about the value of a world free of violence against women.”
UN Women Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet, 25 November 2010.
• UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, and UNFPA
Executive Director, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, also delivered messages for
the International Day, available respectively at:
• Official observance at UNHQ of the International Day for the
Elimination of Violence against Women, “Leadership of the Corporate
Sector in Ending Violence against Women and Girls”, 23 November
2010. Speakers included UN Women Executive Director, Michelle
Bachelet, H.E. Joseph Goddard, Permanent Representative of Barbados
to the United Nations, and Debi Nova, grammy award nomine and
artist from Costa Rica. In his keynote address, UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon stressed how corporate executives are finding new ways to address violence against women and welcomed those initiatives. A panel discussion was moderated by Ms. Juju Chang of ABC News and included Ms. Margery Kraus, Chief Executive Officer, APCO Worldwide, Ms. Sharon D’ Agostino, Vice-President, Corporate Contributions,
Johnson & Johnson, and Ms. Shupe Makashinyi, Equality Now,

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